My CBD Story

I have heard different CBD stories but none is as compelling as this one for Leni Acosta Knight. This is a story of courage, healing, and hope in spite of life’s random curve balls.

Before we get to how Leni got with CBD and what she is currently doing with it, here is a little bit of information to get you acquainted with the story’s main character.

Leni’s story is intriguing and she can rightly be termed as an iron lady. In 2010 she moved to Sierra Leone to complete a work related assignment. While there, she rolled the dice and partnered with some locals to prospect for gold. It took two years of hard work and sheer grit to go beyond the coyote hole and actually come up with some real nuggets. Needless to say, this venture was capital intensive and the iron lady Leni Knight happened to be the financier. At this point, it is important to mention that she was the only woman in the mining team that was otherwise made up of black macho males.

You guessed right?

A lot of money was lost and Leni had to return to the US in 2012 empty handed. After losing close to all her financial assets, Leni was ready for a fresh start, which she got to, but life still had more shockers ahead.

Taking an early retirement from the world of finance, Leni was compelled by a close friend to reignite her passion in art- painting.

Leni sold her first painting in 2015; that is when she got into real business. She took the time to find a genre that she loves which turned out to be an expression of her real life. Her art is focused on abstract expressionism and classical realism.

Art & Symbolism

And then there was this particular piece of art.

There was a figure of a male and female embracing and then she later erased the male and left the female. The female was left with a red dot on her right breast.

Leni could not think of an appropriate way to get rid of the obstinate red dot.

So she wanted to trash the canvas but her husband urged her to keep at it.

The painting remains, and so does the red dot.

A month later she went to get her regular mammogram done and “the red dot” resurfaced in the form of a lump on her right breast. A month later, her worst fears were confirmed- she had breast cancer. Being the brave woman that she is Leni did not require much convincing to go for an almost immediate double mastectomy.

Looking back, she reckons that the botched painting was a premonition.

Fortunately, all cancer cells were eliminated towards the end of 2018 and she did not have to go for chemotherapy. However, she was put on anti-cancer meds whose side effects were so severe.  In her opinion, the experience was worse than going through chemo. She was unable to get out of bed or do anything for herself. After a while she requested her doctor to stop the meds.

Leni’s CBD Journey

When Leni stopped the harsh medication she had to find a substitute to keep her going.

Eating right and exercising regularly set her off on the journey of wholesome recovery.

Back at the hospital Leni had joined a women support group which would invite different doctors. It is at this group that she got introduced to CBD which has less than 0.3% THC.

In Hawaii, marijuana is illegal but CBD is not.

Leni was quick to start on CBD. She reports that CBD relaxes her and leaves her with no side effects so it is much better than the drugs that she was previously taking. For Leni, CBD is all about relaxation and getting restful sleep. It is a great substitute for the anti-cancer medications that would keep her in bed the whole day.

Leni also admits that art has been a big part of her healing.

Lacosta CBD Chocolates Is Birthed

Leni had always wanted to do something with her brother who is a culinary arts professor. Initially, she was going to make him do some fancy recipes and she was going to design beautiful boxes for the recipes. But after starting on CBD, she got the idea to make chocolate-infused CBD. The ones she was taking were amazing but she wanted to go the extra mile and make gourmet CBD chocolates.

Yeah, that is Leni Acosta Knight for you.

So being the driven siblings that they are, they were quick to get moving with the Lacosta chocolates. When their first order was announced it sold off in minutes.

Leni reports that the chocolates are so tasty that when they were first shipped to her she ate four bars at one go! Each bar has 200mg of CBD and sure enough Leni went to sleep immediately after this indulgence. That is what you can expect from a culinary maestro!

Of course the brand has Leni’s artistic touch to it. Every box of chocolates features a signature piece of art such as Desiderata or “bring him home” which has a war theme. Her original Desiderata painting was donated to the women’s cancer center in Hawaii.

The Lacosta chocolates are already causing ripples in the market.

Leni’s story is inspiring in every sense of the world. Her resilient spirit is unquenchable and it is no wonder that she is already a force to reckon with in the CBD market.



Kapi‘olani “Wall of Hope”


Artistic Expression: ‘Silent Empowerment’